Creating the New Rule

In order to forward all external calls to a users DDI out of hours to your main number, you will need to set-up and apply a new rule in the Call Routing Manager.

Step by Step Walkthrough

First you will need to open SwyxIt!

Along the top bar click on Settings then, click on Call Routing Manager... 

Now the Call Routing Manager has opened in a new window, click on New Rule


You will be given the option between two types of rules you can create, select Rule Wizard and click OK

The Rule Wizard will open as a window

Click Next


Please follow these next instructions very carefully 

Tick All Situations, then click Next


Tick External calls, then click Next


Tick Within a specified time period

Tick Ignore date, then change the From time at the top to 06:01 PM and the To time at the bottom to 08:29 AM -

Then click OK

Make sure Within a specified time period is ticked then click Next

(it should have a description matching the times we have just inputed)


Leave the box for Exception for Rule at <no selection> then click Next


Now these parameters have been set, we need to tell SwyxIt! where to send the call

We are now going to name the new rule, click New... 


Enter thew ne name for the Sequence of Actions you would like (E.g. 'FWD to Main'), then click OK


Double click Connect To 


Input the Extension you would like it forward your number to

You must have Proceed with destination's call routing ticked

Then click OK


Click OK again

Similar to the previous the time section it will show you the current actions, click Next


Input a name for the rule (E.g. 'FWD TO MAIN OOH') then click Finish

Lastly you will need this rule to run before any other rules you may have

Left click on the new rule we have just created to select it


Now that our new rule is selected, click the up arrow till it reaches the top of your list

Finally, click Apply


Your new Out of Hours divert is in place.