User Guide: PurpleUC Conference Call Manager (v1.1)

You can use the PurpleUC Conference Call Manager to book conference calls and send out invites to participants.

In order to access the system, you will need a username and password, which will need to be set up for you by PurpleUC.  You will also need a monthly billing plan allocated to your account.  If you do not have those details, please email and submit a request.  One you have those credentials, you can login at

- In order to access the Conference Call Manager, click on the top menu

- You will then be presented with the booking screen, which shows you a list of your "Upcoming meetings" and a list of your "Call history".  You will also see the option to "Schedule New Conference Call"

- You will also see your current conference plan, billing cycle and the number minutes you have remaining for the current month.

Scheduling a New Conference Call

- Click on the "Schedule New Conference Call" button

- Choose the date.

- Choose the start time.

- Choose the expected duration of the call.

- Enter the expected number of participants, taking into account the number allowed in your plan.

- Enter a "Title" for your conference call (this will be visible to invitees).

- Enter an "Agenda" for your conference call (this will be visible to invitees).

- Enter an email address to send the invite to (you can enter multiple email addresses).

NOTE: You do NOT need to enter your own email address here.  You will automatically receive an email invite, including the organiser PIN.

NOTE: Just hit enter/return after each email address as you type them, you don't need to use , or ;

- Tick the "Record this call" option, if you wish to record the call

- Tick the "Allow call to start without organiser?" option, if you want to.

NOTE: If you do not select this option, callers will not be able to join the call until someone enters the call using the organiser PIN.

What Does an Invite Contain

- As the organiser, you will receive an email that details the time and date of the call, the number to dial, and the organiser / chair PIN.  The email will also have an attachment that allows you to add the call to your calendar (ics format)

- As an invitee, you will receive an email with same details, except that the PIN will be for a participant only.

- In both cases we use an 03xxx telephone number, which will is billed as a local call to the caller, and generally included in most bundled minute plans.

How Do I Change My Conference Booking?

- You can edit your conference call bookings from the main screen, as long as the scheduled call time is not in the past.

- Look in the "Upcoming meetings" section, and click "Edit" on the right hand side

NOTE: This will NOT send out an updated email to invitees.

Can I See Previous Bookings?

- You can see a list of completed conference calls from the main screen.

- If the call was completed, you will see that "Call Start Time" and "Call End Time" are updated to show exact times.

- If the booking time passed, and no call took place, you will see the times for which the call was booked.

How Do Conference Call Minutes Work?

- You are allocated a number of minutes per month, based on the plan that you are on.

- Your minutes will reset on the "Billing Cycle Start" date.

- Minutes are calculated based on the length of the call, per participant.  For example, if you book a 30 minute call for 4 participants, that would be 120 minutes.

- You need to ensure that you have enough minutes left in your plan to book your call.  You will not be able to save the booking if you don't.

- Minutes for future conference calls are deducted from your plan until the call takes place.

- Once your call is completed, you plan will be updated with the accurate number of minutes used.

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